The aim of the study of criminology is crime, within this term there are implicit two concepts: the concept of criminal offense and the actual concept (criminological). The offense is treated by different sciences and disciplines, so we define the concept of crime as criminology. Crime is a social and community problem. Society, environment, culture in which the individual develops and grows is the trigger for many criminal behavior. Therefore, the term crime should be considered as the fruit of the situations experienced, known or learned from the subject within society. P>
The offender is the person who makes the offense conduct in question. Initially criminology focused on the study of the individual but the advance of science to delegate to the background study. Currently the center of the study of criminology focuses on criminal behavior, victim and social control. P>
Since modern criminology can consider the offender as a person who performs an offense, bearing in mind biological and personal skills which has said subject and the environment in which the person develops.
particular social group drafted standards that must be met by the members constituting that society. The difference is significant laws that exist in different cultures. The offender, labeled as such, is not equally in our society (with laws or established norms) with the eyes of another society and culture. The company tries to dominate the subject and exercise control over. Try to condition certain behaviors and behaviors.
The family from the cultural point of view has a direct and informal pressure on the individual. Sometimes the family has ideals that do not correspond to the society in which they are developing their activity or life. It is therefore important to note that when studying the offender, it should take into account their environment, both personal and business and social.
Therefore, and summarizing the above, it could criminal consider the person who inflicts a law previously established by a company. The breach of that rule constitutes the crime alone. The partnership marks where the limit and therefore who is considered criminal.
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