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Couples Therapy Mallorca

One of the most wonderful aspects of life is to enjoy it with your partner and ask ourselves a bright future at his side. Unfortunately, sometimes situations can occur that call into question this optimal situation and impact on the stability of our relationship . In these cases we can get to question the future viability of the relationship and ignore the best course of action, coming to ask about best options for couples therapy in Mallorca.

Everyone is aware of how to interact you have with your partner, and, above all, the way of communicating, has led to generate an ecosystem self-confidence, in which both parties feel comfortable and safe. In this climate, the fact of having a discussion or disagreement does not necessarily represent a crack in the relationship , it is assumed as a constant learning both the other person and our role in the couple. But sometimes both internal and external factors can threaten the stability of the couple and leave us in a situation of doubt and confusion that we are not able to solve by ourselves.

lack of communication is the main problem

developing a constant fluid communication between the couple < / b> is the relational database that allows both to develop an optimal coexistence as tackling the difficulties we have to face. If communication between the parties is good and both sides understand it as satisfactory strength as a couple will be increased both when making decisions as to assume the consequences. That is why, the communication problems are one of the most important causes when go to couples therapy.

have disagreements over the future be unable to communicate feelings the other person or not receive a satisfactory response to our demand for care are some of the reasons that demonstrate these communication problems that have failed to give an adequate and positive response to these needs. miscommunication between the parties can aggravate these problems and represent a much greater barrier than it was originally, up to make it look insurmountable.

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in addition, there may be problems in intimate relationships which originate in other cases they are not merely physical and obey communicative deficiencies of the couple they can get to entrench the situation over time. Be that as it is, communication is one of the most important factors in maintaining the correct balance of the couple.

External factors affecting the relationship < / h2>

Another major causes that may affect the relationship is the impact of a traumatic event as the death of a family member or the loss of the job position. These experiences may represent a great impact on one of the partners, and therefore the two members, and reaches disrupt the relationship. The resilience of the couple will come under great stress that can affect your future stability.

In addition, the appearance of children in relationship is interpreted as a circumstance of happiness and joy, but may alter elements that were already defined in the relationship and the intimacy of the couple or disappearance of personal space, which may involve a situation of stress to the couple is not able to cope with the new situation in a fully satisfactory.

external factors are an unexpected but powerful threat, capable of influence our personal relationship and source of multiple causes that can make us think about the need to seek help through couples therapy in Mallorca.

When to go to couples therapy?

Every relationship is different, with its own peculiarities and aspects that only l as part of the couple known. But that does not mean they can not receive help from professional psychologists experienced couples therapy. As we have seen, the reasons to go to a professional can be many and varied but must start from the initiative partner that from the knowledge of their reality and gaps to find a satisfactory answer to your problem, get help on a psychologist giving them the tools to restore stability and confidence within the couple.

the will in finding a solution will spearhead when significantly improve our relationship and achieve success that will allow enjoy us a healthy relationship with a positive and successful communication between the two members and restore a balance that allows us to enjoy other aspects of life more intensely.

Athena Mallorca , Clinical Psychology reference in couples therapy in Mallorca

If we searched couples therapy in Mallorca may have reached < b> Athena Mallorca, Clinical Psychology , which is one of the leaders in the work of couples therapy in Mallorca Judith Rodriguez , founder of the clinic, has been practicing for over 15 years as psychologist specializing in couples therapy, so enjoying total experience in this field. His dedication has managed to help many couples in situations where they could not find a solution to their problems own way, strengthening its relationship successfully and with great recognition from their patients.

Since 2018, Judith Rodriguez holds the Athena Clinic, completing a cabinet psychologists that has become a referent Mallorca, both its href="http:///servicios" services as per your professionals. Their good work is evidenced by proven results and the positive response of patients , who rely on their skills, professionalism and experience.

If our intention is to go to couples therapy in Mallorca, seeking answers to our questions or concerns about our relationship must take as a reference the professionalism of psychologists to us to go and experience in the field of couples therapy , in order to be able to help us in the best possible way a central aspect of our lives.

Couples Therapy Mallorca

Make and apointment with a Psychologist in Mallorca

For an appointment now or send us your questions through the following form. We will contact you to confirm the schedule or to resolve your queries as soon as possible.