We could define educational guidance and assistance, guidance that we provide to students, bearing in mind the personal characteristics of each. Within this guide should be reflected both achieving school goals such as personal growth of each child. P>
We will not, therefore it helps a child of 12 years with a situation socio economic stable, wanting to study but not knowing which way to choose, that we can give a child the same age with a socio-economically poor, a situation not want to study. p>
the general principles underlying the Educational Guidance are: p>
worries about the development of the person. Making the most potential this has. Personal characteristics lead us to lead her down a path or another. If it's a very creative person will propose some artistic degree or some FP related to this world is so fond. P>
As highlighted above personal characteristics is very important for everyone. We must teach them to know themselves, they are able to identify their strengths and know your weaknesses, and know how to act each time as these. P>
It is a continuous process, people we mature with age and with the passage of time. We must ensure that such guidance is faithful in time, teaching him to overcome new doubts or difficulties that present themselves as time goes by. P>
It should be stimulating, encouraging, cheerleader and an incentive. If we fail to motivate students orientation does not meet all of its goals, because, being focused on the individual, we must act according to their potential, promoting at all times the motivating attitude of this orientation. P>
cooperative it is very important to involve teachers and parents of the achievements and behaviors that have highlighted these children. In this way we can also strengthen them and encourage children and adolescents. P>
It is a process of help, teach them how to overcome the difficulties, problems and questions put to them. In this way also they grow as people and know extrapolate our guide to all difficulties encountered in the environment that surrounds them. Being able even to help other teens / children overcome certain situations. P>
It recognizes the dignity and worth of people and their right to choose. You can not force anyone to do something you do not want. we always find a consensus, something you like and want and help you use it in other circumstances. p>
From Clinic Athena we take care mainly of support and care processes teaching and learning of the entire school population. Very specifically with N.E.E population. P>
We focus primarily on improving the quality of teaching. We perform psychoeducational assessment for students with specific educational needs and subsequent guidance needed for each p>
We found three areas of organization when making Educational Guidance and Counseling. P>
We support and advice to schools and Primary. Teachers collaborate with teams such centers. We handle mainly psychoeducational evaluation and opinion of school, we prepare and disseminate educational psychology materials, detect the needs and resources of the sector and carry out activities in collaboration and coordination with other educational, social and health institutions. P>
Mainly we take care of supporting students in early Childhood Education stage with NEE Advise and support teachers to improve the functioning of the center. Early action plan the students' attention with N.E.E. We perform actions that help to promote the inclusion, acceptance or integration of these students with N.E.E. We realize and guided curricular adaptations necessary for each of these students. We guide the family in action with these students N.E.E. All these activities are conducted in collaboration with professionals in these centers. P>
We operate in those students who have NEE associated with deficits personal specific, ie, those derived from sensory, motor and severe disorders of development. We prepare and adapt materials or any other instrument that is useful for school intervention with such students. Design operating programs for improving school life, we make the psychoeducational assessment of students who need it, helping and guiding schools. P>
Whatever the intervention we make from Clinic Athena, main function of our professionals is to help students and improve their adaptation, whatever be their (specific or not) needs during their school years and transition to adult life. p>
collaboration with the departments of different schools is essential. p>
from Clinic Athena, will be happy to advise and guide you in this process. p>
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